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How to choose and apply false nails?

False nails have always been a huge success. It must be said that to have sophisticated nails when they are bitten or damaged: we do not do better. But how do you choose your gel false nails, resin false nails and capsule false nails? How to apply them well? How long do they last? Follow us! How to do capsule nails? Just find which false nail matches your real nail, apply glue inside the capsule and place it on the correct finger. Let it dry and your perfectly manicured fingers are yours! Acrylic resin false nails This is a slightly more elaborate method. It is a question of applying a resin based on powder and liquid, for a rendering that perfectly corresponds to the ...

How to get your manicure done?

A successful manicure is the secret of pretty hands. How to properly apply your nail polish? How to fix a broken nail? In this article, we will learn about how to get your manicure done. An easy home manicure: the key steps: Prepare your nails Before you start applying your trendy nail polish, prepare your hands. To do this, make sure you have the necessary manicure kits to have beautiful nails. Then, put a base on your nails. Once it is completely dry, go to the next step. Apply your nail polish well To intensify the color of the varnish, two coats are mandatory. The first is always irregular, it is normal, it serves as an undercoat like paint. The second serves to intensify...

Beauty of the feet: the reflexes to adopt to keep pretty feet!

We often forget to pamper our feet with a pedicure kit, especially in winter. Yet winter is the season that hurts our feet the most. They locked in our shoes, suffering the cold so they require special attention to keep them beautiful and healthy. Here are some simple gestures to sublimate them on a daily basis! Daily hydration of the feet There are specific foot care products for this, which are often thicker and more nourishing than body creams, as our feet are often less nourished and more exposed to friction. You can favor the hydration of your feet, in the evening, at bedtime, and keep your feet on your feet in socks all night. Be careful, however, not to hydrate the ar...

Succeed your home manicure in 10 steps!

It is quite possible to make a homemade manicure. And for those who do not know exactly what it is about when we talk about manicure, a very quick definition: it is a beauty treatment to beautify the nails, but also the hands! And to help you, here is a little easy manicure tutorial in 10 steps. Just have the necessary manicure sets. Step 1: Remove the old varnish First of all, if you ever wore nail polish, we take it off! Pour a few drops of nail polish remover on a wipe that you leave on your nails for a few minutes, then you can slide them and remove the rest of the varnish on your nails. Step 2: File the nails After washing your hands, determine the length of the nails ...
