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How to succeed in your manicure?

You have decided to treat yourself to a little manicure? In a beauty salon or at home, there are a few steps to follow to succeed. Today, we will explain how to succeed in your manicure. Read on! Here are the steps: Start by preparing your nails with a manicure kit.Before applying a varnish, apply a base coat - also called a base coat, it is a kind of transparent layer that will protect the nail, and prevent the color of your varnish from yellowing the nail.Then apply your favorite varnish - avoiding if possible varnishes that are too chemical, and favoring those with a maximum of natural ingredients, which will have less impact on your health... and on that of your nails.Fi...

Manicure: 6 useful tips to guarantee you excellent results

Taking care of our nails can really make a difference. It is a real business card to be treated and preserved over time. And how to do it if not with a perfect manicure? We have decided to provide you with 6 useful tips to get perfect nails directly from your home! Are you ready to discover them all? Let's begin immediately! 1. remove your old nail polish First of all, create an impeccable hand treatment. It is necessary to carefully remove the polish residues from the previous manicure. To do this, opt for a mild acetone, avoiding weaken your beautiful nails. 2. Shape your nails with a file Before moving on to cuticles and nail polishes, we must equip ourselves with the ma...
